Object International

Edition 1
2018 ++
  1. Ursula K Le Guin
  2. Walter Pater
  3. Thomas Kuhn
  4. Loren Eiseley
  5. Italo Calvino
  6. Giordano Bruno
  7. John Ashbery
  8. Philip Ball
  9. Trumbull Stickney
  10. G.W.F. Hegel

Edition 2
EOI 2019 ++
  1. Douglas Adams
  2. Terence McKenna
  3. P.B. Shelley
  4. Bruno Schulz
  5. Nicola Tesla
  6. Olaf Stapledon
  7. G.M. Hopkins
  8. Buckminster Fuller
  9. James Joyce
  10. Richard Feynman

Object Int’l —
  1. A rock is a perfect metaphor, an allegory in volume. When placed its sculptural limits beget a kind of artistic proposition — and when considered with reduced anthropomorphism and ungeologically — produce a ready-made analog to the causation and bounds of our attempts at the understanding of all things.


3. P.B. Shelley

PBS / 1817
From Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni

            The everlasting universe of things
Flows through the mind, and rolls its rapid waves,
Now dark—now glittering—now reflecting gloom—
Now lending splendour, where from secret springs
The source of human thought its tribute brings

PBS / 1816
From Hymn to Intellectual Beauty

The awful shadow of some unseen Power
Floats though unseen among us; visiting
This various world with as inconstant wing
As summer winds that creep from flower to flower;
Like moonbeams that behind some piny mountain shower,
It visits with inconstant glance
Each human heart and countenance;
Like hues and harmonies of evening,
Like clouds in starlight widely spread,
Like memory of music fled,
Like aught that for its grace may be
Dear, and yet dearer for its mystery.